
Using art to promote governance

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While a majority of artists in the country who have produced political songs have chosen to side with a particular political party, hip-hop artist Phyzix, real name Noel Chikoleka has chosen a different route. He has produced a political song pointing out the challenges Malawians face while encouraging the masses to take advantage of the forthcoming elections to make sound decisions. He spoke to Arts Editor EDITH GONDWE:

Physix: Artists or musicians are citizens first


: What motivated you to come up with this song, especially noting that it is not the regular political song.


:  I was motivated by the forthcoming tripartite elections and also that I am privileged to have a platform as a musician to send across positive messages to people. It is necessary for us to know the different candidates and to know their objectives for us to make informed decisions as we cast our vote this coming election. Our vote is our power. The youth are the majority of our population and, therefore, I did this song as a person who is a part of that demographic and also connected to the youth as a reminder for us to be engaged. All I want is for us youth to be engaged, to understand the policies, the manifestos and plans of our candidates. We should not just go to political rallies to take selfies and make it a festivity, but rather we should take these gatherings seriously.



:  What are the key messages that you are you putting across through the song?


: I have several key messages in this song. First it is to encourage people to be engaged during this period. To know and understand the manifestos of the candidates. Second, it is to remind candidates of the tripartite elections on some of the key needs of the nation and especially those of special groups such as youth, women and albinos among others. The song also aims at encouraging peace during this time and reminding people on their right to vote and the significance of voting if they are of voting age. Finally, the song encourages qualified youth to participate in active politics as well as encouraging issue-based politics.



:  Is this song sponsored?


: This song is not sponsored, and it is not part of any project.



:  How will you ensure it reaches its target groups?


:  The same way I promote all my songs; social media, radio, live performances etc.



:  We have seen many artists do political songs before. Do you think artists are doing justice to this country as we approach elections? Or we can do better?


:  Artists or musicians are citizens first. They have the same fundamental rights and freedoms like the rest of us. They can choose who to vote for, support or associate with. These are personal decisions. Suffice to say it would be great to have more musicians or artists involved in issues of national interest to grow the importance of the music industry.



:  Where was this song recorded and who produced it?


:  This song was produced by Dare Devilz and Stich Fray. The Dare Devilz made this beat for me in 2010. I just had them make a few touch ups and add some 808s (modern sound). I have deliberately used my old sound, tone of voice and rapping style to take the people back to a time that I used to make socially conscious music. Stich Fray recorded, mixed and mastered the song.



: Do you have any last words?


:  I love my country, Malawi. We are the Warm Heart of Africa.

Good luck to all the candidates contesting in various leadership roles during the forthcoming tripartite elections. To the citizens, your vote is your power. Get engaged and good luck. God bless Malawi. n


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